They Speak My Language!

Yesterday I was the most content I had been in some time. I went to an interview at this amazing place called Balance Centers. I did not have to worry. I did not have to put on any masks or hide. Am I being to Aspie? So what? I am surrounded by them. I felt relieved. This is not a personal endorsement for their facility, but rather a wave of gratitude that such places exist to help children and teens with their sensory issues, adhd, Aspergers, or whatever makes you neurologically different.

They start mention things about the corpus callosum, because really, who doesn’t talk about that in every day conversation? So I just as casually mention I don’t have one. No one bats an eye. I kept waiting for a sigh, a scream, a look like I came from another planet, but sweet validation, I was complimented on how well I have done, how much I have accomplished and how remarkable I am. That alone should make certain family members faint. I know asking them to repeat it so I could tape it would have been rude, It did cross my mind however.

There were so many things for sensory sensitive kids to do to overcome their challenges. Textures and smells that neurotypical people take for granted but we can often go into a meltdown over if not prepared. There are math games everywhere and word games galore. Exercises for your eyes, your ears, so it is easier to blend in with the kids and adults without these challenges. I talked about being in a house with 3 extroverts and how reading was my friend. It was just this joyous meeting of different kinds of minds but not damaged. Everyone’s differences there are celebrated not ignored. Work is done to get your brain in the best possible shape. I was asked to read the book by the owner “Disconnected Kids,” and start learning Quickbooks. Whether or not I get a job there, that was  such a lovely morning to be welcomed and not shamed, listened to and validated not ridiculed, it left me happy all day.

It’s a Job to Get a Job with Disability x 4

If you follow my blog at all, you know I have been relentlessly searching for a job. Until being laid off in 2012, I’ve never had a problem interviewing or finding a job.  However, with each rejection the anxiety mounts, the bills get bigger and the exasperation goes on. Due to my TBI, I don’t have the stamina for a job like Kohl’s. I’m unable to do a lot of the lifting, bending and long term standing these retail jobs require. I need a sit down job.

I’ve worked with a good deal of success in higher education, and was laid off in 2012. I’ve applied higher than my level, lower. in field and out. While my Facebook posts report interview 7658 and this might be a slight exaggeration, it definitely feels that way by now.

Ideally I’d love to make a living at this blog and write full time. I’d love to write for others and get paid for it. I’ve not found the venues to make this viable. I’m exploring the insurance industry, of which I have no experience but I do have that MS in Counseling. I just need a door to open and a chance to be taken.

Have you made a career change? How did it go? What did you do? Due to the Asperger’s, flexibility is not really my strong suit, but I need to be told what I’m doing wrong and just fix it. I don’t qualify for disability, and honestly I like “things” to much and want to work to keep the poodle and I in the lifestyle I like to have. Right now I’d settle for enough cash for gas in my car and a Chick Fil A sandwich. The Coach bag can wait.